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  • biker


    Ja és vigyázzatok, a quick play champ ha elkezded, és törlöd akkor törölheti a teljes gameplayt, mint mikor áttértünk preorderről finalra

    Warning: Quick Play Progress & Losing Save Data

    Hello everyone,

    We have been made aware of an issue regarding Quick Play that can potentially wipe your save data.

    This issue will be fixed in our December patch, but we're providing this message as a heads-up so that you don't accidentally trigger the save wipe beforehand.

    How the issue occurs:
    You delete an in-progress Quick Play Championship
    You quit the game before an autosave is triggered elsewhere in the game.

    If you are deleting an in-progress Quick Play Championship, here is what you can do to avoid a save wipe:
    Go to Options & Settings
    Change any setting
    Back out to main menu

    Alternatively, you can:
    Go through any part of the game that has a loading screen (for example, start a Time Trial and load in to a rally stage)
    The game autosaves whenever it goes through a loading screen.

    Unfortunately, we cannot recover lost saves if any player is affected, hence why we're putting out this warning for now.

    As mentioned above, this issue will be fixed in our December patch.

    Elektromos autó töltő berendezések | Mesterséges növényvilágítás | Mai ajánlatunk: www.gerisoft.hu | www.e-autotoltokabel.hu | www.agrar-vilagitas.hu |

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