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  • P.H.

    senior tag

    válasz P.H. #108 üzenetére

    Egy program sosincs befejezve, csak abbahagyva van.

    {@A2} {0} mov [edi],al
    {1-} mov ecx,edx
    {2} add edi,01h
    {@A9} {0} mov eax,(($1 shl ZFIX_aMAXBITS)-1)
    {1} shl ebp,cl
    {@B0} {2} xor ecx,(03h shl 03h)
    {0} and ax,bx
    {1} or edx,(03h shl 03h)
    {2} shr ecx,03h
    {0} or ebx,ebp
    {1} add esi,ecx
    {@C0} {2} mov ecx,dword ptr [ZFIXED_RELOC+eax*08h+_SIZE]
    {0} mov ebp,[esi]
    {1} mov eax,dword ptr [ZFIXED_RELOC+eax*08h+_CODE]
    {@D0} {2} shr ebx,cl
    {0*} sub edx,ecx
    {1*} jnc @FIX_character
    {2} sar ecx,10h
    {0} and al,bl
    {1} sub dl,cl
    {2} shr ebx,cl
    {@FF} {0-} movzx ecx,al
    {@02} {1} sar eax,10h
    {2} jz @NXSECTION
    {0} sub eax,ecx
    {1-} movzx ecx,bl
    {@10} {2} sub edx,ZFIX_dBITS
    {0} mov [esp+_MOVELEN],eax
    {1} sub edi,eax
    {2} mov eax,dword ptr [ZFIXED_DISTx8+ecx*04h]
    {@20} {0-} movzx ecx,dl
    {1} shr ebx,ZFIX_dBITS
    {2} or edx,(03h shl 03h)
    {0} shl ebp,cl
    {1} xor ecx,(03h shl 03h)
    {2} shr ecx,03h
    {@31} {0} or ebx,ebp
    {1} mov ebp,[esp+_MOVELEN]
    {2} movzx edx,dl
    {0} add esi,ecx
    {1-} mov ecx,eax
    {2} sar eax,10h
    {@41} {0} jns @FIX_movechar
    {1} jc @FIX_moveword
    {2} mov ebp,00000001h
    {0} sub dl,cl
    {1} shl ebp,cl
    {2} add eax,edi
    {@50} {0} add ebp,0FFFFFFFFh
    {1} and ebp,ebx
    {2} shr ebx,cl
    {0} mov ecx,[esp+_MOVELEN]
    {1} sub eax,ebp
    {@60} {0} mov ebp,[ecx+eax+00h]
    {1} mov [edi+ecx+00h],ebp
    {2} mov ebp,[ecx+eax+04h]
    {0} mov [edi+ecx+04h],ebp
    {1*} add ecx,08h
    {@71} {2*} js @FIX_move4byte
    {0-} mov ecx,edx
    {1} mov ebp,[esi]
    {2} jmp @@FIX_symbol
    { x4 } lea eax,[edx+edx+01h]
    {@60} {0} movzx eax,byte ptr [ebp+edi-01h]
    {0} imul ecx,eax
    {1-} mov eax,ebx
    {0} mov [edi+ebp+00h],ecx
    {@70} {1} mov [edi+ebp+04h],ecx
    {2*} add ebp,08h
    {0*} js @FIX_move1byte
    {1} and eax,(($1 shl ZFIX_aMAXBITS)-1)
    {2} jmp @@FIX_code
    {@80} {0} add eax,edi
    {@82} {0} movzx ecx,word ptr [eax+ebp+00h]
    {1} mov [edi+ebp+00h],cx
    {2} movzx ecx,word ptr [eax+ebp+02h]
    {@8F} {0} mov [edi+ebp+02h],cx
    {@94} {1*} add ebp,04h
    {2*} js @FIX_move2byte
    {0-} mov eax,ebx
    {1} and eax,(($1 shl ZFIX_aMAXBITS)-1)
    {@A0} {2} jmp @@FIX_code

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