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    UT3-at becserkészte már valaki magának, egyetért a

    "At 720p and an absolutely consistent 30 frames per second, Unreal Tournament III runs buttery smooth. And while some may have hoped for a higher resolution or higher framerate, once you see the caliber of textures displayed in the game, you'll settle for nothing less. Unreal Tournament III is just a downright beauty to behold. In addition to Sony's very own Uncharted, Unreal Tournament III sits way up high as one of the very best looking games for the PlayStation 3. In fact, it may be the best looking first person shooter available between the two powerhouse consoles."


    rivjúval ? PC-n mekkvan de semmi extra, ellenberger COD4-is mekkvan PC-n de ott nem jött be az sem, versus PS3 ahol annál inkább :D

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    while(!succes) { try again++; }

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