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  • djculture


    válasz Jason19 #5 üzenetére

    Már megszokhattad volna hogy az ubi mindig agyonbutitja a játékait mire kijönnek. Lásd watch dogs esete. Ez se fog úgy kinézni mint ahogy láttuk a rengeteg bemutatóban és pár perces gameplayben.

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  • djculture


    válasz Zedz #9 üzenetére

    Nem birják a konzolok ez nyilt titok, bármivel jönnek a konzolokra ugy sakkozzák ki hogy most csak 900p-ben fut vagy mint az unity hogy 30fps lockkal jön. Nem hiszem hogy a 30ps lock normális pl egy AC-nél

    Assassin's Creed Unity will run at 900p/30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has confirmed, with the publisher opting to aim for platform parity to avoid discussion over any differences in performance.

    "We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff," senior producer Vincent Pontbriand told while explaining that it's the consoles' CPUs – not the GPU – that prevents Ubisoft Montreal from improving the game's performance.

    "Technically we're CPU-bound," he said. "The GPUs are really powerful, obviously the graphics look pretty good, but it's the CPU [that] has to process the AI, the number of NPCs we have on screen, all these systems running in parallel.

    "We were quickly bottlenecked by that and it was a bit frustrating, because we thought that this was going to be a tenfold improvement over everything AI-wise, and we realised it was going to be pretty hard. It's not the number of polygons that affect the framerate. We could be running at 100fps if it was just graphics, but because of AI, we're still limited to 30 frames per second."

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