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  • Novver

    senior tag

    Oh carp, máris nézem :D
    Meglestem, állítólag IFHE lóf.szt sem ér. Flamu anélkül is bontja a hajókat. Nem pazarlás az a 4 pont?

    Ezt találtam leginkább életképesnek:
    1 Priority Target - Know how many are shooting at you
    1 Preventative Maintenance - 30% to not get stuff dead
    2 Jack of All Trades - Get 15% reduction with flag for your HEAL, SMOKE, HYDRO, and REPAIR PARTY
    2 Last Stand - Incredibly Obvious
    3 Basic Firing Training - 10% more gun. Buffs both your HE and your AP. Your AP is for DDs and broadsides. Your HE is for starting fires, not for damage. Don't get IFHE
    3 Survivability Expert - 3500 more HP AND it boosts your heal amount. You're a knife fighter, you want to be in there as much as possible.
    3 Superintendent - +1 Smoke, Hydro, Heal. Never going to be not useful.
    4 Concealment Expert - Puts you at your low concealment of 5.7 (5.9?) ((6.1????)) (((They haven't finalized this I guess)))

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    Life is a game... The game is my life!

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